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Medical. Dental. Legal. LIUNA has you and your family covered with a comprehensive Benefits Plan that is considered superior in the construction industry and one of the best plans in Canada’s  unionized trades. And LiUNA!625 was the first in North America to negotiate the inclusion of medicinal cannabis with a goal to end opioid addiction. Our Members health and well-being will always be a LIUNA priority. Count on it!

Click On A Booklet For Your Plan Coverage Details

For more information contact: LiUNA!625 Benefits Administrator


DID YOU KNOW? LiUNA!625’s Benefit Plan covers the cost of pharmacy dispensing fees, up to $11.99. Most pharmacies charge less than $11.99.

But there are some that charge more! A Harrow pharmacy charges $12.99 costing the Member $1.00. This may not seem expensive but it’s not FREE as our plan states.

If your pharmacy is charging you any dispensing fee at all, we urge you to boycott that particular pharmacy. If local pharmacies continue this practice, LiUNA! will consider using “Online Digital Pharmacies” that deliver directly to your home.

In Solidarity,

Rob Petroni
Business Manager


LiUNA Local 625 Members and their immediate families are now eligible for

Free and Confidential Addiction & Mental Health Counselling/Consulting

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